Netherlands people

The Dutch (Dutch: Nederlanders) are a Germanic ethnic group and nation native to the Netherlands. They share a common ancestry and culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide,...
The Netherlands , informally Holland, is a country located in Western Europe with territories in the Caribbean. It is the largest of four constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In Europe, the Netherlands consists of twelve...
The Netherlands Demography. The Netherlands had a population of 15,898,331 in 2000. It is the most densely populated country in Europe (1,196 inhabitants per square mile [462 per square kilometer] in 1996). There are 2,700,000 foreign residents. The...
17,191,948. According to current projections, the Netherlands population is expected to grow until 2034, when it will reach its peak of 17.5 million people. The population will begin to decline and will end the century with about 16.78 million people....
Free People Search in Netherlands Find any person in Netherlands using InstaPeopleSearch. InstaPeopleSearch is a people search platform that is available to search and find any person in Netherlands. InstaPeopleSearch is completely and entirely free. No...
Although they cheer Holland themselves at soccer games it’s not allowed for foreigners to refer to their country as Holland… nope you should call it the Netherlands. Confuse them with Germans. Although they don’t really hate the Germans (in fact they’re...
Jan 12, 2019 · Dutch people are the tallest people in the world with 1.84m on average for men and 1.70 for women. Dying your hair blond and putting on blue contact lenses won’t make you feel any special in the Netherlands. However, with the arrival of...
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Dutch people
The Dutch are an ethnic group and nation native to the Netherlands. They share a common ancestry and culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide, notably in Aruba, Suriname, Guyana, Curaçao, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and the United States. The Low Countries were situated around the border of France and the Holy Roman Empire, forming a part of their respective peripheries and the various territories of which they consisted had become virtually autonomous by the 13th century. Under the Habsburgs, the Netherlands were organised into a single administrative unit, and in the 16th and 17th centuries the Northern Netherlands gained independence from Spain as the Dutch Republic. The high degree of urbanization characteristic of Dutch society was attained at a relatively early date. During the Republic the first series of large-scale Dutch migrations outside of Europe took place.... Read more